The Time of the Antichrist


Dear Father, I knew that catechesis of the venerable Fulton Sheen, a great archbishop, I always thought that was exactly the figure of the antichrist, as he described it. In the past I believed that the antichrist would reveal himself at the end of time a bit like Benson’s story, instead lately I’m starting to think that he could reveal himself in the first phase of the apocalypse, precisely that of the secrets as you claim.

Fulton Sheen imagined today’s society many years before, probably partly influenced by the fact that in his generation Western society was not yet secularized as it is today and therefore the first symptoms of this transformation caused a lot of concern in people of faith, much, much more than today in this society accustomed to worldliness: in fact many Catholics today have this mentality that seems completely normal in the parish and even ecclesiastical context often

Fulton Sheen saw far in observing the current events of his time and today to the few true faithful to the Church and to Our Lady (not those who go looking for false truth outside the authority of the Pope) all this is as evident as it was to him, just as it is evident the revelation of what the Queen of Peace revealed in Medjugorje as the fulfillment of the Marian apparitions of the last centuries.

I see the Marian apparitions before Medjugorje as the revelation of God in the Old Testament, all converge towards the fullness of the Marian plan of God that will be realized through Medjugorje which is a bit like the revelation of God in the New Testament. The prophets of the Old Testament prophesied in view of the incarnation of Jesus Christ son of God and a bit in the same way Our Lady has prophesied throughout the world in view of the time of the secrets where Our Lady herself will continue to appear without prophesying anymore because it will be the time of fullness.

But returning to the question of the Antichrist, I begin to perceive on the horizon various facets of the world all having the same common denominator: man who wants to replace God.

Russia with its imperialism supported by a state religion is the most striking example, but also the atheism of China, today close to Russia for convenience but which ultimately also lives with a view to universal domination; on the other side of the world a Western society decadent with respect to its origins and which no longer knows who it is and what it represents so much so that it has replaced God with false values ​​that highlight all the emptiness and contradictions of this worldly society.

 Finally, the United States, could have seemed the representation of a turning point with this presidency in view of the time of secrets instead I am starting to have strong doubts: a presidency that has surrounded itself with the super rich, with people with extravagant ideas on the future of humanity, with people who seem to carry forward values ​​that often coincide with the magisterium of the Church but that deep down make people turn up their noses because reading the Gospels they do not seem to be subjects who embody it, indeed Jesus is far from certain attitudes and certain expressions.

I won’t say anything further because there are no elements to understand at this stage how things will go.

Hail Mary 


Dear Andrea,

Dear Andrea, as we move forward, through the messages of the Queen of Peace and the events that will happen, things will become clearer to us. There is much confusion now and it is time to pray and meditate.

For us Catholics it is essential to follow with trust the Queen of Peace and the Successor of Peter. If Our Lady has been here for so long, to carry out a plan prepared for over a century, it is because we are on the eve of extraordinary events foretold by the Scriptures and which concern the destiny of the Church and the world.

Let us not be caught unexpectedly like the foolish Virgins who had not prepared oil for their lamps and were shut outside, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Hail Mary

 Father Livio