“Ask this without haste to save your soul and get right with God”

“I don’t put God first yet”

Good morning Father Livio

God Bless Her!

First of all, thank you for your testimony of faith and strength.

With all my heart I wish you a speedy recovery!

I am writing to you because I would like some advice from you regarding Mom’s last two messages.

She invites us to put God first, to let Jesus envelop our hearts.

I ask you, how do you get from “this floor” to the floor above?

I am a “daughter” of Medjugorje, and despite praying and fasting, I have not yet been able to pass to the upper level. I feel it.

I don’t have Him in first place yet. In first place are the children, the family.

And they are my priority. 

He doesn’t know how much I’m fighting to be able to be wrapped up in Jesus and leave the helm to Him.

I beg Him in the Holy Eucharist, I beg Him in Adoration, I beg Him in prayer.

But invariably, when there are situations (and there are every day) that are out of “my control,” I cannot throw myself into His arms. Woman of little faith and so much anxiety!!!! 

It’s a constant tug-of-war.

Here, I ask you Father Livio, how can one leave “earthly situations” and let Him do everything and Be Everything? How can I make Mother’s requests come true? 

Thank you.

Mother Nadia

Dear Nadia,

Entrusting oneself to Mary and through her to Jesus is a long journey that lasts a lifetime, with the inevitable ups and downs that characterize the human condition.

She has already taken a big step forward by having given space within her to the desire for total and unconditional trust.

For the desire to become reality, a long daily exercise is necessary, through which our intimate union with Jesus and Mary is increasingly consolidated.

This passage in the spiritual journey is more than a conquest of our will, it is a gift of grace to be asked for in humble and confident prayer.

She should ask without haste and let the Holy Spirit, who knows how to shape souls, do the work.

Hail Mary

Father Livio

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