Pope Francis Warns of Future: Message taken directly from Queen of Peace at Medjugorje

“Evil’s days are numbered because the future belongs to God”

What strikes me in the Pope’s homily is a statement that is taken directly from a message of the Queen of Peace: “By then proclaiming liberation to the prisoners, Christ tells us that “evil’s days are numbered, because the future belongs to God .”

Source : Fr. Livio’s blog

Dearest Father Livio

During this morning’s homily, Pope Francis said: “Evil’s days are numbered; death and war will not triumph over peoples.” 

This statement by the Pope filled my heart with hope but at the same time I was very struck by this phrase, which I don’t remember having heard before from a Pontiff.

 Although the Church has never officially expressed itself on the Marian prophecies received by the visionaries in the apparitions recognized in relation to the “end times”, what the Pope said today “evil has its days numbered” reveals, in my humble opinion, not only hope but also the certainty that there will soon be an important change for humanity and I cannot help but think that it was said in relation to the apparitions of the Madonna and the secrets given to the visionaries of Medjugorie. 

Or at least that was my impression. 

I would like to know, if possible, your thoughts on this matter.  

God bless her 

Pier Paolo 

Dear Pierpaolo

Undoubtedly the words of the Holy Father, pronounced in the Homily on the occasion of the VI Sunday of the Word of God, have great value, especially in this historical passage in which evil tries to prevail, as the Queen of Peace warned.

However, this is one of the founding themes of Christianity, which is well illustrated in Christ’s victory over Satan in the epic spiritual battle of the desert. From that moment on, Satan’s power is crumbling, despite his desperate attempts to regain it.

There is no doubt that our time is one of those times and the Queen of Peace has revealed it by saying that Satan is loosed from his chains. It is not for nothing that Our Lady, starting from Fatima, has reassured us that in the end her Immaculate Heart will triumph.

The words of the Holy Father must therefore be placed in this perspective, which is that of “Hope” which, together with “Conversion”, is a key word of the Jubilee.

What strikes me in the Pope’s homily is a statement that is taken directly from a message of the Queen of Peace: “By then proclaiming liberation to the prisoners, Christ tells us that “evil’s days are numbered, because the future belongs to God .”

Here in my opinion there is, perhaps without wanting or knowing it, a reference to the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. In fact, Our Lady invites us not to be afraid of the Future because it is in the hands of God.

This will be manifested when the events of the Secrets will be revealed three days before they happen, which is only possible for God because He alone knows the future and reveals it to whom He wills.

We know that the subject of the Secrets has been practically “classified” by the Nulla Osta regarding Medjugorje, but the storm is knocking at the door with thunderous rumblings and the moment is approaching in which reality will overwhelm all resistance.

“Apparitions” and “Secrets” are words carefully removed from the official communication regarding Medjugorje, but in Mary’s plan of salvation they are irreplaceable and already with the occurrence of the first Secret it will be necessary to take note of this.

The Pope knows this, otherwise he would not have said that “the Future belongs to God ”.

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