Signs of the Times: Vatican Announcement Points to The Madonna’s Plan is Clearly Accelerating
This year has been a time of events and surprises beyond our wildest expectations. Our Lady is clearly accelerating because events are looming and the harbingers of secrets are increasingly visible. In the meantime, we can feel the devil’s anger on our skin as he fears the moment of reckoning.
The year began with the ascent to Podbordo for which Our Lady assured us that we would not regret it, nor our children, nor our children’s children. I believe that on that occasion she obtained from her Son what the Holy Father has given us in these days with the Nulla Osta.
Then came the request for the Novena for Peace on the occasion of the anniversary, whose effects in the present and the near future we cannot evaluate for now. It is clear that the danger of a nuclear hecatomb weighs on the world and Satan has in his hands everything he needs to provoke it.
Finally, the Nulla Osta on Medjugorje arrived suddenly and unexpectedly, a gift from Mary through the Holy Father, whose spiritual effects on the Church will be enormous. Satan did not expect it and now he is foaming with rage, in good company with the modernist foxes who are licking their wounds.
From now on, we can expect unpredictable and ever more numerous news because the battle has now begun in the open field and the sides are increasingly visible. The Marians are with the Pope and with the Church and continue confidently in the footsteps of the Queen of Peace.
Whoever has had the grace to respond to the call should prepare for the time of trials, firm in faith, fervent in prayer, and hardworking in the Lord’s vineyard. In order to win, Our Lady needs everyone to achieve victory over themselves, so as to belong to her totally.
Let us put prayer and the sweet company of Jesus and Mary first, so as not to be influenced by a world at the mercy of the evil one, who besieges and assaults us from morning to night.
Let us practice charity and outstretched hands toward all those who seek God, goodness, truth and peace. Let us follow Mary, the Queen of Peace, without tiring and without being led astray by the deceiver. She will lead us to the triumph of her Immaculate Heart with which she will change the world.
Hail Mary
Father Livio

The Vatican never said that the Blessed Virgin appeared in Medjugorje!
read between the lines.. They also never said it was a fraud or hoax,, So where are the messages coming from. Because they certainly discuss the messages in a positive way at length
Soon, because of the welcomed approval of credibility with Medjugorje, the messages will soon end, the Warning will happen, and then the chastisements. I am welcoming the Warning, and waiting for that to happen. All of our lives will change. The end is soon here where we all will have to make our decision, whether for God or against God—no more sitting on the fence for the multitude.
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