Medjugorje Expert, Fr. Livio: “The world today is on the brink of danger, like never before”

Prayer for Peace for a World on the Brink of Catastrophe

The world today is on the brink of danger. Never in the history of humanity has the survival of the human race been at risk like today. The historical memory of the flood is of a salvific nature because, despite such a great catastrophe, God has provided for a part of humanity to survive. There is, then, something unique that we struggle to assimilate and that we cannot believe; for the first time we are able to put an end to life on Earth, the threats are the order of the day and they are not even that hidden.

Truly, then, we can affirm that Satan has the ability to destroy the world.

On January 25, 1991, Our Lady gave a very alarming message, in an apparently calm historical moment: “Dear children! Today, as never before, I am calling you to prayer. May your prayer be a prayer for peace. Satan is strong and desires to destroy not only your human life, but also nature and the planet on which you live. Therefore, dear children, pray that you may be protected through prayer with the blessing of God’s peace. God has sent me among you to help you. If you want, take up the Rosary; the Rosary alone can work miracles in the world and in your life. I bless you and remain with you as long as God wants it. Thank you because you will not betray my presence here. Thank you because your response serves good and peace. Thank you for having responded to my call .” The Queen of Peace repeated these words in the Message of March 25, 2020: “Dear children! All these years I am with you to lead you on the way of salvation. Return to my Son, return to prayer and fasting. Little children, allow God to speak to your heart because Satan reigns and desires to destroy your lives and the planet on which you walk. Be courageous and decide for holiness. You will see conversion in your hearts and in your families, prayer will be heard, God will answer your pleas and give you peace. I am with you and I bless you all with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call . “

Our Lady has been here for so long precisely to save us and she said it in unsuspecting times, when the world geopolitical structure was all in all in balance. Satan has gone so far as to suggest his own and lead them to realize his objectives of destruction and death: the unspeakable total destruction by means of atomic weapons has become a threat now on the agenda. The world is at risk as never before. The Holy Father has forcefully denounced several times that the world is at risk and that war could lead to an irreversible situation, yet the temptation to prevail at all costs cannot be extinguished.

If it were not for Our Lady, the world would have already collapsed, our lives would have already been destroyed. The Queen of Peace is here to save souls from eternal perdition and our planet from self-destruction; Our Lady wants to counteract Satan’s plan to take possession of our souls and destroy Creation. If we want peace, if we want humanity to continue on its path and for the planet to be preserved, conversion is more urgent than ever, we must return to God. The situation in which we find ourselves is beyond the control of any human possibility, no one can stop Satan’s plan, only Heaven can save us. God, in fact, has charged Our Lady to show us the way of peace which is Jesus Christ.

Our Lady is here to make us understand that the only way of salvation is the return to Christ, without God there is no peace. The world can only be saved by returning to God and his Commandments. The powers of evil are more unleashed than ever and in this apparently irreversible situation only God can save us. Let us not delude ourselves, only Mary can pull us out of this abyss, her outstretched hand is the only salvation. The return to God and personal conversion are the life program of each of us; whoever is in sin abandon the path of perdition, ask God for forgiveness, take the Rosary in hand and with these spiritual weapons respond to the call of the Gospa who asks us for help to win against Satan.

Let us return to the beauty of Christian life, let us return to the Commandments and the Sacraments, to prayer and inner dialogue with God. Let re-establish a relationship of love with the Lord be the daily program of each one because the salvation of the soul is the most important thing we must aim for. Let us long for Heaven and to reach it let us convert!

In 1983, when Russia was intent on destroying Europe through the tactical positioning of very powerful missiles, Our Lady gave alarming messages calling for prayer but people did not understand. Message of April 25, 1983: “My Heart burns with love for you. The only word I want to say to the world is this: conversion, conversion. Let all my children know. I ask only for conversion. No pain, no suffering is too much for me, in order to save you. I only ask you to convert. I will ask my Son Jesus not to punish the world, but I beg you: convert. You cannot imagine what will happen, nor what God the Father will send upon the world. For this reason I repeat to you: convert. Renounce everything. Do penance. Here is all that I want to say to you: convert. Take my thanks to all my children who have prayed and fasted. I present everything to my divine Son to obtain that He mitigates His justice towards sinful humanity . “

The latest appeals of the Queen of Peace have the same scope because today’s world cannot go on like this forever, evil must necessarily and urgently be stopped, contained. Good must work so that evil does not prevail. Unfortunately, modern man has distanced himself from the only source of good and peace that is God and has adhered to the religion of the devil who thirsts for hatred, violence, war; hatred overflows from human hearts and this is why the mobilization of those who have chosen God is necessary and urgent. Believers must bear witness to faith, fight for peace, counter hatred by bringing love, pray incessantly even for those who are far from God.

May the apostles of Mary, those who have responded to her call, take up the spiritual weapons of prayer and sacrifice and line up to stem the evil that is spreading, be like dams of peace and love. The power of evil seeks to take over the work of Creation and Redemption, but it will not prevail! The victory of good is certain but it will not be easy because it will require a strong spirit of sacrifice, of adhesion, of love, of courage. “Only with prayer and fasting can even wars be stopped” (January 25, 2001). Let us renounce sin, pray with fervor, return to the Commandments and the Sacraments.