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We are now at a special time in history. Today, the world seems to be on fire. Israeli Jets in Iran, serious talk of Nuclear war between the West and Russia. Tensions between Russia and USA are at a level higher than seen during the Cold War. Unprecedented natural disasters, including back-to-back category 5 hurricanes and deadly earthquakes.
Open talk of civil war in the United States, attempted massacre of members of Congress, deep-state maneuverings to Jail the former President, Russia and the United States talk of “winnable” nuclear wars, these are just some examples of a world gone mad. We are now witnessing unprecedented upheaval – real drama of what the world has never before seen the likes.

Are these world events a harbinger that the secrets of Fatima and Medjugorje are beginning to unfold? Medjugorje visionary Mirjana hints that this is the case. She says in her new book:
“Our Lady told me many things that I cannot yet reveal. I can only hint at what the future holds, but I do see indications that the events are already in motion.
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In the early days of the Medjugorje apparitions, Our Lady revealed to the six visionaries a prophecy about Russia and ten secrets which contain information on future events. These ten Medjugorje secrets, we are told, will affect the Church and the world. Ominously the secrets are said to involve chastisements for the world.
Secrets have often been a part of Marian apparitions . The most famous set of secrets or prophecies took place at Fatima in 1917. The secrets warned of World War II and communist atheism. These prophecies, as most know, all came true.
What is not so well known is that the Blessed Mother has revealed to the world that Fatima is directly connected to Medjugorje.
On August 25, 1991, the Queen of Peace, said in a message for the world “…I invite you to renunciation for nine days so that with your help everything I wanted to realize through the secrets I began in Fatima may be fulfilled…” The visionaries have said that Medjugorje is the “continuation and fulfillment of Fatima.”
So if secrets are attached to the character of Medjugorje and Fatima, and if Medjugorje is indeed the fulfillment of Fatima what should we make of this relationship?
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First, if we analyze the construct of Fatima we see that the overarching theme is Russia – that specific nation – is central to the secrets of Fatima.
The Bishop of Fatima once proclaimed that “The message of Fatima applies to Russia. Fatima and Russia are one.”
Bishop Hnilica, a close ally of both St. John Paul II and Mother Teresa, was told by Fatima seer Sister Lucia that the Blessed Mother spoke of Russia at least 22 times. “One day, on returning from Fatima where I had met Sister Lucia, I recounted to Mother Teresa what this famous seer had told me. I paused on a detail which had struck me, namely, that the Virgin of Fatima, in various apparitions, the official ones in 1917, and the private ones before Sister Lucia in the years that followed, had expressed an interest in Russia a good 22 times. “This insistence,” I said to Mother Teresa, “is proof of extraordinary kindness on the part of the Blessed Virgin Mary towards the Russian population.”
Malachi Martin, who read the secrets of Fatima and was convinced that the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will begin at the latest in 2017, was asked about the contents of the secrets on a radio program. Mr. Martin said: “Russia, according to the text of the ‘Third Secret’, was the regulator of the Fatima timetable.
Russia’s role in the ‘Vision of Fatima’ is very important because, if we’re to believe the Vision of Fatima, salvation for the world, the cure for the world ills, will start in Russia, and that was why the Virgin Mary, in the Fatima vision of 1917, was supposed to have spoken actively about Russia. It´s a very bizarre message in that sense because one would have said that salvation was going to come from the West as we always think because we are Westerners, but no, according to the message of Fatima, salvation will come from the East, and particularly, from Ukraine and from the State of Russia itself, which is extraordinary.”
Also according to Malachi Martin Sister Lucia’s single-page letter of the “Third Secret” covers three topics—
1.A Physical chastisement of nations
2. A spiritual chastisement
3. The central function of Russia in the two which in fact, the physical and spiritual chastisements are to be gridded on a fateful timetable in which Russia is the ratchet.
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Now if we accept that Russia was the central theme of Fatima and that Medjugorje is the fulfillment of Fatima is it possible that Russia has some connection to Medjugorje?
Astonishingly, the answer to this question is YES!
The Queen of Peace at Medjugorje in 1981 told the young visionaries that – “The Russian people will come to glorify God the most.” This is an extraordinary prophecy. First it predicted that the consecration of Russia would take place (the consecration of Russia was finally enacted on March 24, 1984) and second Her prophecy foretells of the rise of Christianity in Russia that was, at time of her prophecy, under the rule of an atheist, totalitarian regime. The full message from the Queen of Peace is: ““Russia will come to glorify God the most, the West has made civilization progress, but without God and acts as if they are their own creator”.
BBC MEDJUGORJE VIDEO “RUSSIA will glorify God the most…”
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So with this in mind we turn our attention to world events taking place today to see how the Medjugorje secrets may be unfolding right now. In particular we look at the status of Christian faith in Russia (“Russia will come to glorify God the most”) and the relationship between the United States, the West, and Russia (“The West has made civilization progress but without God”)
Today it is undeniable that the tensions between Russia and the West are at its lowest point since the Cold War. Some experts say times are worse now because Putin actively talks about the strength of Russia’s nuclear arsenal and speaks openly about using them tactically. No more talk of “mutual assured destruction”. Putin talks about winning a nuclear exchange. As we think about the Medjugorje secrets it is important to consider that the secrets contain elements of “chastisements’ and that Fatima speaks of Russia being the “regulator” of these so called chastisements.
But what most political and military strategist underestimate is how Christianity is at the root of the tensions between the West and Russia. USA and Europe are rapidly turning away from faith while Russia is in the midst of an unprecedented religious revival. (Russia Emerges as Europe’s most God Believing Nation) Vladimir Putin recently gave a speech saying: “In many countries today, moral and ethical norms are being reconsidered. They’re now requiring not only the proper acknowledgment of freedom of conscience, political views and private life, but also the mandatory acknowledgment of the equality of good and evil.” Putin’s words on faith have surprised the world.
The return of religious life in Russia is undeniable. Vladimir Putin attends church and is regularly seen in public venerating the Virgin Mary and kissing blessed Icons of the Madonna. Putin lectures America about its rejection of faith and its immorality. The surprising spiritual revival in Russia is taking place at a time when a deep crisis of faith is occurring in Europe and the United States. There is now talk about the potential of religious persecutions taking place in the United States as a result of the historic Supreme Court decision on same sex marriages.
Today, as the United States Government is taking away religious freedoms and moving forward into the future without God, the Russian Government is funding the restoration of Orthodox Churches with public tax dollars. Inaugural ceremonies are attended by patriarchs, and priests armed with Holy water and incense. Russian Orthodox Bishops are regularly seen at military installations conducting religious ceremonies, chanting prayers, burning incense, and sprinkling holy water throughout the facilities Last year, Russia installed an Orthodox chapel inside a nuclear submarine named after a Russian Saint.
The spiritual awaking taking place in Russia is virtually an unknown story in the United States. Contemporary cultural events in the United States and the West, suggests Western society is moving rapidly away from God – essentially rejecting God’s role as our creator. This movement away from God is taking place while Russia appears to be embracing Christianity, even “Glorifying ” God.
Is the question are these two very different societies on some kind of historic collision course? Are the Medjugorje secrets beginning to unfold? Is the world moving rapidly towards the fulfillment of Fatima which includes a punishment against the worlds but also the glorifying promise that the Virgin Mary’s “Heart will Triumph”?
There is little doubt that we are rapidly approaching apocryphal times.
Let us not forget Our Lady’s urgent plea “Pray for peace; peace, peace, and only peace.”