What will the world be like after the 10 secrets?
Dear Father Livio,
I often think back to the message of July 25, 2019 in which Our Lady says: “the trials will come and you will not be strong and sin will reign.”
Well, the evidence has arrived: Covid, the wars in Europe, anxieties and fears that until a few years ago were unknown, in addition to a climate of civil war, in which there are not two opposing sides but a sort of all against all, in a climate of desolation and desperation.
Looking back at the world of a few decades ago, it appears today as an almost enchanted world.
I wonder how long Divine Providence will allow all this?
The generations that grew up in the old, happy times are slowly dying off, leaving behind the new, unfortunate generations that have grown up in these last, anguished years.
Will the Lord allow a generation to remain on Earth that has nothing good to tell its children? I don’t think so. This will all end. The demons that invade the earth will be cast back to hell, and the wicked will die.
The bombed churches will be rebuilt more beautiful and larger than before.
Monasteries and convents will flourish and bring peace and prosperity. Small, closed and abandoned country churches will reopen. Those who knock on the door of a rectory seeking help will find someone who will give them good advice. To quote a phrase by John Paul II, “Good things will return.”
Dear Gabriele,
The situation you described was summarized by Our Lady in the apocalyptic expression “Satan released from his chains”.
The evil one is shaping society in his image, but Our Lady has long been preparing her plan of salvation of which we are an important part, as She herself said.
Let us follow Our Lady with courage and perseverance and we too will triumph with Her.
Hail Mary
Father Livio