The Seton Miracles – Eyewitness Testimony – The weeping Statues at St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Lake Ridge VA
In the early 1990s, a series of remarkable miracles occurred at St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Lake Ridge VA, a suburb of Washington DC.
Many statues began weeping when blessed by the parish priest, Fr James Bruse. Both believers and skeptics saw, and reported on, these miracles.
Fr Bruse also received the stigmata, only the second priest in history known to have done so (the first was St Pio of Pietrelcina). These events occurred over a number of months, peaking in the spring of 1992. The number of witnesses to these relatively recent events is extraordinary.
Much of their testimony — including names, dates and incidental details — has been documented by Mr James L Carney, a graduate of Harvard Law School, in his book The Seton Miracles: Weeping Statues and Other Wonders. The secular media wrote many articles at the time. The following are all from the Washington Post, but note all the reporters are different individuals: