This is What Will Happen to the Visionaries at the Time of the Secerts
A Requiem for the visionaries of Medjugorje?
Dear Father Livio,
During the Christmas holidays I went on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje with my family after about ten years.
What surprised me was that I had no opportunity to participate in an apparition as it happened in the past. If I understood correctly, to enjoy this grace one would have to go to the homes of the visionaries who still have them. But, from what I was told, this is necessarily reserved for a few.
I wonder then if Our Lady descends from Heaven to earth for some recommended ones or even for all those who make sacrifices for this journey.
Maybe it’s me who doesn’t understand, but this news saddens me.
Can you give me an answer?
Thank you for what you do for us. We love you
Louise of Pinerolo
Dear Luisa, I can only agree with you because, at least for those who believe, witnessing an apparition is an extraordinary grace.
From the beginning of the apparitions until recently, an immense multitude of people have been able to take advantage of this possibility, practically in every part of the world where the visionaries have gone.
Recently, various provisions have been issued, which I consider transitory and which have the purpose of regulating an event over which the Church must monitor.
Having said this, it must be reiterated that, at least for those who believe, one cannot imagine Medjugorje without apparitions and visionaries as some think and say. It would be a soap bubble that has burst long ago.
Like it or not, Our Lady chose these people in her time, four girls and two boys, who are the witnesses of her presence, unique in the history of humanity.
The inhabitants of Medjugorje have accepted the choice of Our Lady and have never questioned it. Since the distant 25th of June 1981, the chosen people have persevered and still do what the Sovereign Lady of Heaven and earth asks them to do.
Furthermore, it is only these six people, to whom the Secrets have been revealed, who know the future of the world and the Church, while the various wise men grope in the dark.
In the time of secrets that will shock the world, the six visionaries of Medjugorje with their testimony will be on the front line in the great apocalyptic battle and, like it or not, frightened and desperate humanity will look to them.
God’s Will always comes true, St. Thomas Aquinas said, while human words and desires are written on water.
Hail Mary
Father Livio