How can we be ready for this future?

Dearest Father Livio,

I am writing to you after a long time, but I have been following you almost every day for more than thirty years in your precious Christian reading of current events and history.

I would just like to share my thoughts on the Catholic conspiracy theorists you spoke about today.

The problem is that we are all looking for ways to exorcise the future of cross that awaits us.

All of us, Catholics, consecrated and non-consecrated, delude ourselves that in the end there is an alternative way to the occurrence of the terrible events of the secrets, which you remind us of every day. 

Whether it is the theory of a political scientist or the prejudiced skepticism about supernatural apparitions, everything is good as long as we remove the Queen of Peace with her apocalyptic prophecies from our minds. Our hearts rebel against the fact that a future of suffering, destruction, persecution and death could fall upon our lives and those of our children. The thought that the cities in which we live could become like Mariupol or Gaza, that our homes could be swallowed up in the earth like Pompeii, that we could be victims of violence or lose our lives because of our faith, is certainly not desirable (as John Paul II said in Fulda). 

So let’s hope that in the end “everything will be fine” and stick our heads in the reassuring sand…

I fully agree with what you said on the radio a little while ago: a person of faith cannot deny that this is the most likely scenario because the prophecies were made by the Madonna and they are not wrong. 

But can we ever be ready for this future? Can we be completely ready to serenely welcome the diagnosis of an incurable disease or the loss of a child?

I confess that when I think about the future, fear and sadness assail me, because I do not feel capable of facing the trials that await us, but I am not desperate because Mary is with us and I know that evil will not prevail, even if it will have its share.

I am also personally confident that our Mother has obtained from the Almighty an additional mercy compared to the prophecies of Fatima and of the 20th century and that Medjugorje represents the good fruit for us of this marvelous maternal mediation.

I try to prepare myself by praying incessantly to the Lord and His Mother that they may make me trust more and more only in their will which is the highest good for me and for my loved ones.

Dear Father, I admire you for your courage in carrying on your testimony so stubbornly (is it a coincidence that Our Lady chose a man from Bergamo?). I pray for you and your mission, as I ask you to pray for me and my loved ones.

Warmest regards,

John from Terni

Dear John,

I really think you hit the nail on the head. On the other hand, Our Lady herself warned us for having rejected the Cross. We deluded ourselves into thinking we had our future and our happiness in our hands at rock-bottom prices, but we were wrong.

Satan’s deception has been colossal. First he made it known that he never existed, thanks to complacent theologians. Then he went on the attack until he convinced us that Christianity is a fairy tale for retarded people.

Now that the godless world is sinking into the nauseating swamp it has built for itself, it no longer knows which way to turn and has begun to throw rags into the air.

The heavenly Father in his infinite mercy has thrown us a lifeboat, but how many will be able to get on?

All we can do is entrust ourselves to Divine Mercy and begin to climb, following Jesus, along the path to Calvary.

We have forgotten that salvation comes from the Cross. We have abolished it to worship our idols…

“which are silver and gold,

work of the hands of man.

They have mouths but do not speak,

they have eyes but they do not see,

they have ears but do not hear,

They have nostrils but do not smell.

They have hands and do not feel,

they have feet but do not walk;

they make no sounds from their throats.

Let those who make them be like them

and whoever trusts in them.”

(Psalm 115, 4-8)

Hail Mary

Father Livio